Ukuguta Bota Here”: Here Is How Nephew Trapped ZCC Bishop Into Sending Naughty Pictures To Daughter-In-Law
Bishop Lyphet Matenda Mugaviri of the Zion Christian Church Kumuka Kwavakafa Nhaudzashe (ZCCKK) asked for love from Olinda Mashavave, the wife of Lesly Mugaviri, who is his elder brother’s son.
ZCC Bishop Trapped And Sends Naughty Pictures To Daughter-In-Law
A source told H-Metro that Bishop Mugaviri, who has three wives, visited Lesly’s home in Harare, and his wife served him food. The horny ZCC bishop then sent Olinda messages on WhatsApp, appreciating her food and trying his chances to smash her.
“As he was going back, he had to send a chat to the daughter-in-law, thanking her for the food and welcome. He then engaged in a naughty conversation where he asked the daughter-in-law, kuti murume wake ari kumbomugutsa here pabonde, since he is married to three wives.
“Immediately, the wife advised her husband before Lesly took over the conversation. He then started trapping him until he asked for his manhood. He also asked for her n_de pictures, but they sent him a downloaded one. The husband later confronted the bishop, and he admitted to all this.”
The Steamy WhatsApp Messages From ZCC Bishop
The publication also has the nasty WhatsApp chats of Bishop Mugaviri seducing his daughter-in-law. The unholy man of cloth sent messages like:
“Ehe ndangofamba zvakanaka ndananga ikoko ndingosvika ndichiti pfee.
“Babe ndokuvigirei . . . ihh ndine true love hako.
“Ndoda umbokumbira kuenda kumusha kwako ndichizokuona. Mangwana ndoswera newe.
“Chokwadi hako swty ummm I like your sexy eyes ummm akanyanya.
“Ihh hauna kuona kuti ndaidyira paya kana tikatarisana ummm they are too sexy and good lips shaa.
“Shaa, ndotobva ndakasimba, ndodya mazondo for preparation.”
Punishment And Church Divisions
The Mugaviri family punished the ZCC bishop and fined him three cows, which he has yet to pay. The churchx’s council of elders is divided, with some pushing for him to step down while others still want him.