YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN: Nick Mangwana throws ‘ZANU PF thugs’ who murdered CCC member under the bus
Join our whatsapp news group: Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Nick Mangwana has thrown suspected ZANU PF cadres who killed a Citizens Coalition for Change member under the bus, saying they are on their own. He warned that they will indeed face the music for their actions. “These immediate arrests send a clear message to purveyors of violence that they are on their own and will face the law. Well done @PoliceZimbabwe,” he tweeted. However, his statement saw him being roasted with critics alleging that he is being hypocritical, and not meaning what he is saying. Rangarirai says: “If it was CCC youth doing this whole police camp and soldiers could have been deployed. ZANU must go .vanhu havangarambe vachiurawa big no.” Munashe Chiyadzwa also commented as follows: “They are from your party it’s what u teach them the killer of that Epworth lady has not faced the judges up until now why.” Oliver Prince had no kind words for Mangwana: “Pfuts-ki that’s always wat you say. How can they be alone when your candidate is the one who sort to disrupt a sanctioned rally. Why did he come with speakers and organized a match there.” Kandawasvika said: “Nonsense! Those who killed CCC member in Kwekwe last year in broadday were never sentenced. Also those who murdered Moreblessings were never sentenced. “zanu pf is a thuggery, corrupt mafia!” Lady G said: “Justice will only prevail if we change the government.”