Man demands lobola back as marriage collapses after 5 months over wife’s health problems
He claims they knew of her condition before the two married.
Tatenda Goredema claims that he paid US$7000 as lobola for Debra Chemunorwa but only to realise that his in-laws had lied that she had no complications.
He claims he learnt that she has not been having her menstrual cycle for over three years, something her family knew about even before the lobola payments.
The pair dated for four years and the marriage only lasted five months.
He is now demanding his lobola back and he also wants the money he used to pay for her education.
Debra was not reachable, but her sister Doreen requested this reporter to come for a meeting in the company of Tatenda.
Debra with her parents
“I cannot talk to you over the phone, can you come with Tatenda and we discuss this together,” she said.
However, in an affidavit, she wrote:
“Inini Doreen Chemunorwa, being the sister to Debra. I have come to collect my young sister Debra to go and sort the problem that she is having of not going on menstrual cycle.”
In a two-hour audio recorded during a meeting with the in-laws, the mother-in-law said:
“Yes, we received your money, takatadza but imimi taurai kuti todini.”
The discussion was marred by arguments.
Tatenda told this publication that he was heartbroken and felt robbed.
“I married last year on October, 2 and the ceremony went well since everyone was present on the day.
“I married Debra and all my relatives were happy, after I finished marrying, I wanted her to come in December.
“They also said, mwana wavo anga achiri kuenda kuchikoro.
“So, the problem started when she confessed about her problem of not having her periods for three years.
“She also told me that the doctor told her that she won’t get pregnant and she even confessed that all her family members know about this issue.
“I asked her why her parents accepted our lobola money without telling us about the problem?
“She said, they had hope that maybe one day it shall be well. I then asked them if they were doing an experiment on me?
“I then told her to inform her parents that she had told me about the problem and we then engaged everyone about the issue.
“Her parents came and we had a meeting but they didn’t look remorseful.
“They then told me to help solve the problem but I refused to do it because they gave me mwana wavo akadaro.”
He added:
“Had they opened up to me, I could have played a part kuti arapike. I gave them mari yakakwana but they decided to give me mwana ane problem.
“At the height of our arguments, they started accusing me instead.
“I married ndine hope and within five months, the marriage collapsed.
“I want my money back yandakagara naye for five months, neyandakamuendesa kuchikoro.
“The family is silent. I want my pfuma back.
“Family yavo also blocked me, tete vakaudzwa kuti pfuma yedu tirikuida, she decided to block everyone.”