By Susan Tembo in Kadoma
In a bid to fulfill national obligations pertaining to cleanliness and a call to curb the spread of cholera, Kadoma City Council has embarked on an extensive cleaning exercise for the whole city. This clean up exercise has been covering the whole city with no area being left behind.
To date, areas in wards: four, five, six, seven, part of ward eight and eleven have been cleaned extensively. These areas cover: Kadoma Central Business District, Chemukute area, Waverly and Rimuka. ln Rimuka, where most of Kadoma’s population is, the cleaning has been undertaken in: area along Jairos Jiri perimeter fence, open space between Gudo infill and Annex infill, area around Munyaradzi Secondary School, area towards Annex Hospital, area along Rimuka Primary, Messenger’s Camp and Lions Training Centre. There was no solid waste left. ln support of this move, a number of residents commented positively on Kadoma Mayor Ruzario’s Engagement Group.
Among these wereZimjenny and Stones who made it explicitly that this is one of the greatest achievements ever done by the council in a decade.The city’s health director, Dr. Chirundu, applauded his team for a job well done. He encouraged the community to work tirelessly in keeping a clean Kadoma with zero tolerance to illegal solid waste disposal to curb the spread of cholera.
In 2015, Environment Africa judged Kadoma as the dirtiest city in Zimbabwe following an independent survey of the country’s major towns. This time, the city council finds it worthy to make Kadoma one of the best cities in terms of cleanliness. On the same note, Kadoma witnessed a surge in cholera cases between 2008 and 2010 which claimed many lives.
Upon this clean up exercise, the residents applauded the city fathers. To date, cholera has been a song of the day in Africa and has ravaged people mainly in Zambia and South Africa. Zambia has even reduced worship time to two hours.
For Zimbabwe, 58 out of 64 districts have been affected so far with Chiredzi being a hot spot area.
On the same note, the city is show casing that it is sailing in the same boat with the government’s vision. ln 2018 President Munangagwa launched a clean up campaign to be conducted every first Friday of the month nation wide. This was a step towards creation of a clean nation.
Cholera is spread by ingesting contaminated food and inaccessibility to safe water, among other causes. However, being hygienic at all times can stop the spread of cholera. Refuse heaps clearing also paves a way for curbing the spread of cholera.