CCC and Tshabangu have not kissed and made up, that is a propaganda headline – Hopewell
Did they kiss and make up, or has their undercover relationship now come out in the open?
Yes, Nelson Chamisa might have made some mistakes, but did those mistakes warrant the treachery that we have now seen of selling out to ZANUPF?
Who is worse: someone who makes mistakes that can be corrected, or one who sells out to the oppressor and is so shameful that they even want to remove elections in order to enjoy the proceeds of their treachery without contestation?
CCC and Tshabangu have not kissed and made up, that is a propaganda headline.
They have always been working together, but Tshabangu’s handlers were afraid to come out in the open until ZANUPF has fulfilled its promises!
Working with Tshabangu is working for Emmerson Mnangagwa and ZANUPF; you might as well line up for those Toyota Aquas for services rendered to the regime in helping it to loot and plunder more while citizens go without healthcare, jobs, pensions, drinking water and more!