Breaking!! Nelson Chamisa has been Expelled from the CCC with immediate effect
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Interim CCC Secretary General Sengezo Tshabangu has fired Nelson Chamisa from the CCC with immediate effect. The communication has been served in a letter below:
With immediate effect, Advocate Nelson Chamisa has been expelled from the Citizens Coalition for Change. Nelson Chamisa has been expelled for personalizing the party as well as his continued gross disregard of the party constitution amongst other issues including:
Embezzlement of party funds.
-Last year a total of USD $120 000 was raised for Advocate Nelson Chamisa’s bullet proof car and the money disappeared
-The party received US $300 000 last month from partner international organizations for Job Sikhala’s legal fees and the money disappeared
-The party also received some US $6M part of the money was to fund the training, deployment and payment of election agents. The money disappeared and the party couldn’t deploy agents at all polling stations and to this day not even 1 from the recruited 55 000 agents has been paid.
– USD $3M also disappeared from the party’s offshore accounts and we got no explanation for all this.
Personalization of the party
-Chamisa has made the party his personal property and it is now running at his own discretion. The party symbol is his face, he takes all crucial decisions by himself and now the party is serving his personal interests, we cannot allow that.
Collaboration with Zanu Pf and ex-Zanu Pf members resulting in heavy infiltration and now the party has been high jacked.
Abusing the party name to raise funds for his personal projects.
Tarnishing the image of the party through stage managing abductions and through inciting public violence in the name of the party.
Imposition of candidates resulting in the loss of some constituencies and wards throughout the country
Neglecting party loyalists and bigwigs while rewarding friends, relatives and concubines.
Betrayal of Job Sikhala who has been in prison for more than a year now. Advocate Nelson Chamisa embezzled money for his legal fees and also neglected his family.
Nelson Chamisa has failed to support crucial party events (October 7 Messina mass demonstration) with the potential of giving citizens victory from the stolen election while resorting to twitter bible verses and useless parables, citizens want action!
Chamisa has failed to petition SADC, the UN and the EU over the stolen August 23 election.
Running the party along tribal lines.
We therefore advise citizens to ignore all distractions by individuals working to derail the citizens’ movement. With Immediate effect, Professor Welshman Ncube and Advocate Tendai Biti are acting presidents until the party convenes an extraordinary congress on the dates to be advised and all official communication will be coming from the interim secretary general’s office.