Themba Gorimbo Apologises To Winky D In A Heartfelt Message

In the past few weeks, Gorimbo has been causing a buzz online with his one-sided tiff against Winky D.

Unprovoked, he once said he is bigger than Winky D because he has more Instagram followers than him. He added that Winky is only popular in Zimbabwe, while he is known worldwide.

The post elicited fury from Zimbabweans online, as Gorimbo jabbed Winky D, who had not provoked him. The UFC fighter then reprimanded people for comparing him to Winky D, as he is a global star:

Vanhu moda kundi jairira, mungandifanandize na Winky? Winky is local and I am global. Pane musiyano. Kana mazogara moziva local and global difference. Compare Winky nana Pashi.”

Baba Harare and Hopewell Chin’ono even criticised Gorimbo, who in turn insulted them.

After people on Facebook flooded his comments to knock him, he admitted that Winky D’s brand is massive, and he deleted his attacks. He then apologised and said he was a fan of the dancehall star.

The UFC fighter took to post a heartfelt apology to Winky D, revealing he thought he was just joking:

“Guys, on the Winky D thing, I made a mistake and thought it was just a small joke. My intention wasn’t to put Winky down or think I was better. I was just trying to have fun, like I did with Enzo Ishall back in 2021, if you remember. But I guess it affected and rubbed most of you the wrong way. I apologise about that. Nothing said was from a bad heart. I love Winky D myself. His songs inspired me for years to work hard. I have many of his songs that I love.

“Winky D is one of the greatest artists from Zimbabwe, and if I grow up to be half the man he is in my own right, it would be a blessing. I hope now there won’t be any further questions about that issue, and you can make your conclusions about who I am, but the truth is my whole life, I have never wished bad on anyone, and I love people who do extraordinary work like Winky D.”

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