Mai Titi pledges to pay her debts

COMEDIENNE Felistas “Mai TT” Murata has promised to pay her debts.

She says some of the creditors have been creating ghost accounts on Facebook which they are using to demand their money.

In a post, the comedienne said she was working on paying the debts.

“I know that I owe some people money, I have not paid everyone.

“Please bear with me, handisi kuwana mari zhinji semafungiro amuri kuita.

“Some of you think that I am a millionaire, that is not the case.

“Yandiri kushandira ndiri kungobhadhara, mukandiona ndakachena handisi kuzvispoila, ndrikutospoilwao,” reads her post.

She said she was saving money to pay her debts.

“Every cent I’m getting here ndiri kukamura kuvanhu vandinenge ndakwanisa.

“Ndoona vamwe vachiuya kuzoposter kumaghost sema hidey, I know very well I’m owing.

“Don’t worry handina kwandotizira kuuya kuno kutoshandira imimi.

“Ndipeiwo nguva mese ndinokubhadharai, vamwe vazhinji ndambozama ndosaka ndrikugarisa kuitira pandodzoka.

“Handidi kuve neanoti ndine chikwereti chake.”

Mai TT said the money from her trips will help in clearing the debt.

“Handisi kuzorora, I’m trying my best.

“Kufamba haisi luxury, kushanda kuti zviite.

“Hold on for me, I’m here.

“Kuuya nemasuitcase four kuno I was avoiding unnecessary shopping knowing fully well every cent I’m getting has to pay someone,” she said.

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