Church loses US$35,000 to robbers

A church in Chinhoyi lost US $35,000 after unknown suspects gained entry into the church offices and broke the safe containing the money.

The theft occurred during the night on 06/07/24 at a church along Highway Drive, Mazari.

According to police a burnt fuse and explosive residue were recovered at the scene.

The police is therefore inviting anyone with information to report at any nearest Police Station.

In a related matter, police in Chombira are investigating a case of robbery which occurred at a house in Kanengoni Village, Chiweshe on 06/07/24 at around 0120 hours.

Three unidentified male suspects who were wearing face masks and armed with machetes, gained entry into a house through a broken window and attacked the complainant.

The suspects ransacked the house and stole US$6 500.00 cash and 85 kg of gold that was hidden in a wooden cabinet.


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