Zimbabwean Driver Locked Up in DRC After His Truck Kills 18 People in Deadly Accident
Reports from concerned drivers in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) indicate that Jeremiah Kamuterera, a Zimbabwean driver employed by SMI Bulk Transport from South Africa, has been detained for 17 days following an accident enroute to Mokambo.
Despite the tragic incident, Kamuterera has allegedly not received assistance from his employers and is in need of urgent financial support to secure his release.
The accident resulted in the loss of 18 lives and left 6 individuals with serious injuries. Kamuterera’s current detention status and lack of assistance have raised concerns among his peers.
While further details regarding the case are unavailable, it has been disclosed that he is being held at Mokambo Police.
Kamuterera can be reached for assistance at the following number while in police custody: +243 812 239 006.