Popular South African singer Makhadzi seeks Zimbabwean Zezuru Mhofu man with for marriage
A POST by South African singer Makhadzi, pleading for a Zimbabwean man to marry, has attracted a lot of attention in this country.
The energetic singer posted on her Facebook account saying she wanted a Zezuru man, especially one of the Mhofu totem.
Her post has ignited exciting reactions from other Zimbabwean celebrities.
In five hours, the post had attracted over 27,000 likes, over 9,6k comments and over 300 shares.
Ndirikunamata kuti ndione murume MuShona chaiye chaiye Muzezuru kana Mhofu zvavo,” she posted.
First to comment was Madam Boss:
“Mudiwa ndabvuma chipari zvangu.”
Makhadzi then jokingly replied she was also ready to be the second wife of Madam Boss’ husband.
Here are some of the comments:
Mira ndiite plan wangu. – Godfatha Templemanzim
My brothers are Mhofu, Zezuru, hard-working and handsome huya shamwari Makhadzi. – Nicole Thandie Hlongwane
Yhooo Makhadzi that is painful and I understand your situation. – Kalawa Rsa Gxabhashe
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk chiuya Kuna tete Makhadzi tiende tese kuZim unomuwana murume. – Masthokoze Sthandwa Sami
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih tsvaga umwe mutupo vana Mhofu vanokutsemura moyo xem ukaswera wavenga maShona ese pano nekuda kwana Mhofu, you don’t know Mhofu very well wakanyeperwa iwe. – Alice Enock
Hanzvanzi yangu Muzezuru huya Makhoti. – Nellie Chitimbe
Ana Mhofu maporomotwa ndiyani murume asingade mukadzi mbinga. – Tachi Prestige Manganye
My husband is exactly what you need, he is a Shona, Zezuru, Mhofu …I don’t mind sharing with you. – Rue WekwaNyakurwa
Ini ndine murume Mhofu, I’m ready to give you hako. Ex-husband anenge ave murume waMakhadzi lol. – Farie Kim
Problem is hamuzive kuti Makhadzi is Zimbabwean, she went to school in Zim and later moved to SA. – Tapiwa Rodyman Chawaremera
Chinja prayer request uise hako kana Mukanya haaa Mhofu unochema. – Tessy Marz. HMetro.