Zimbabwean Truck Driver Still Missing After Hijacking Involving Adidas Sneakers Worth Millions

Zimbabwean Truck Driver Still Missing After Hijacking Involving Adidas Sneakers Worth Millions In Durban [Image: SA Truckers]

“This Was Planned”

The incident sparked debate on social media.

“Such precious cargo without security?”


“Inside job.”


“Where a lot of money is involved in crime, if there’s a bust, 9 times out of 10, it’s an inside job.”


“South Africa is getting worse and worse; crime is getting out of control.”


“These sneakers will be sold for R200 each so they can sell quickly 🤦🏾‍♂️”


“Fits them very well. Hiring a Zimbabwean national while we have millions of citizens unemployed.❤️💃🤣😊”


“This is stupid. I thought one truck would transport left takkies and another would transport right takkies.”

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