Chamisa Was Surrounded By Sell-outs That’s Why I Didn’t Join Him Ahead Of 2023 Elections- Kasukuwere
The reason why disqualified 2023 Presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere Minister did not join Nelson Chamisa has been revealed.
According to the Children of Zimbabwe War Veterans Association (COZWVA) Kasukuwere said Chamisa was surrounded by sell-outs, hence he could not join him.
“In 2022, we confronted Hon Kasukuwere, we asked, Why can’t u join hands w Adv Chamisa & fight together in the best interest of the pple?
“Tyson replied,” No No No I hv been in the system those guys surrounding Nero vanotengesa zvekubvinza,” he said.
Kasukuwere came under fire after for not endorsing or joining Chamisa after he was banned from the 2023 polls.
This was despite Kasukuwere vowing not to treat Chamisa as an enemy but an ally.
Apparently, COZWVA says they will remember all Heros by publishing their contributions & achievements towards the liberation of this country.
The program is expected to run until August, and COZVWA is inviting families of fallen hero who wish to participate to visit their inbox.