‘Pamberi neZanu PF. Mai TT hits back at criticism over her picture with President Mnangagwa
Socialite and comedian Mai Titi has hit back at people who criticised her for visiting and posing for pictures with President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
The Young Woman For ED
Mai Titi, born Felistas Murata, is a member of the ZANU PF-affiliated group Young Women for ED. Recently, she had an opportunity to meet President Mnangagwa, who is the First secretary of the ruling party.
In the viral picture, she looked elegant, glamorously primped up, and donning the blue national attire. She had a crispy white blouse and a national fabric blue skirt that matched with a headgear.
Mai Titi was kneeling in obeisance beside President Mnangagwa with her hands clasped together respectfully. The bespectacled President, clad in a blue blazer, khaki pants and the trademark scarf, was saying something to Mai Titi, who listened attentively.
The picture elicited unsavoury comments online, as some accused her of selling out for pieces of silver.
Mai Titi Responds To Criticism Over Her Picture With President Mnangagwa
Mai Titi with President Emmerson Mnangagwa [Image: Mai Ts Diaries]
The socialite took note of the firestorm caused by the picture. She has since responded to the salvos:
“Munhu mumwe nemumwe anekodzero yekuteverera bato raanoda asina kumbunyikidzwa. Zvekuzokanda maAngry face papost yangu naPresident atove madrama. We all have freedom to vote and choose who we want to follow. I follow His Excellency and First Lady Dr Auxilia Mnangagwa and am Zanu Pf. If you don’t like that, there’s nothing I can do to change you.
“I have seen what they are doing to our Nation from Roads, Schools, Empowerment, etc. Our Airport has improved greatly, and you can’t tell me you are not noticing that. Angel of Hope Foundation ya First Lady Vedu Dr Auxilia Mnangagwa zvainoitira nherera neShirikadzi, you don’t see that? She goes all out in helping the needy. We are millions of people in Zimbabwe. You can’t expect a change in 2 days, but each and every day, there is a visible change in Zimbabwe.
“You choose to see the bad side only, not the good deeds, and unfortunately, it’s sad. I follow the good works, and I can’t be hot spotted to hate what I don’t know. If you have issues, they are your issues, not mine. Even the Bible says love and honour your President. Nyika inovakwa neVene vayo. Do not divide our Nation but rather unite and build Zimbabwe together as one. I am for the ruling party. And nothing will change that. Pamberi neZanu Pf.”