Ranson Madzamba “Mazarura” Takes Over Jiti Genre.

By Desire Tshuma

Ranson Madzamba popularly known as Mazarura has taken over “Jiti” genre which has seen most music lovers changing to follow ‘jiti’ music, now a daily bread in major airwaves.

Madzamba has two albums currently each with six tracks and several singles. Most of Madzamba’s songs are accessible on YouTube as this is his major social media marketing platform.

“Jiti songs are mainly are for edutainment and humour. A number of my songs are for fun and stress relief like track like “‘Wakandikoshera’, a song that is appreciating how important a wife is to a man, or vise versa,” said Madzamba.

“The Jiti genre is our traditional music, the beat can be used even in churches and it is not demonic connected. Some congregations or religious groups of people assume Jiti music as ungodly, it’s very unfortunate and very disturbing, as it is our culture of music only,” explained Madzamba.

Madzamba is popular on ZBC TV with his ‘Mazarura’ music which encourages the nation to build and love their country, it is development oriented music, same like liberation songs which were sung during the liberation struggle which gave living and fallen heroes vibe to continue with war till achieving independence.

“A number of people still hold onto a colonial mind, they still believe anything African is uholy forgetting that the missionaries came upfront with the Bible and later with guns to colonize Africa and forcing us to change our culture and condemn our identity.”

He concluded by saying as Zimbabweans and Africans we must embrace who we are, our history, culture, traditions and all that defines us as Africans if not Zimbabweans.

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